SUNDAY NIGHT SHOWCASE is Sturdy from the Witterings

Acoustic, Blues, Folk, Rock and Roll

Inspirations: The Doors, Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash.
Gig highlights:

He's played at the Rox Festival in Bognor, the Hole in the Wall in Chichester, the Royal Oak in East Wittering and other local establishments (including the House of Fraser in Chichester).

“If Pain Had a Name”, “Violet Blue”, “The Hot Summer Sun”, “One Night”, “Sun” and “Sit Back”.

About Sturdy

"The Weyfest line-up was done and dusted when we were approached at a festival by someone singing STURDY’s praises and pleading for us to book him – one of many, as you can imagine. But he was dragged in front of us to sing a couple of songs and, yes, we were knocked out! We’ve ‘squeezed him in’ and we are sure you will be as impressed as we were."
What Millie Luxford said about me in the Chichester news:

"Someone who is playing in Chichester this month who is well worth checking out is the sublime Tim Sturdy.

Now, he is a singer/songwriter that hails from the Witts and is a true talent that we harbour in our County. His vocals have a beautiful Jim Morrison feel to them and his songs are truly distinctive, he is so good it almost makes you rethink your views on Country music which is where his roots are clearly based (that was meant to come out much less insulting than I fear it did!) Anyway, Mr Tim Sturdy is my pick of the week."