Paranormal night - More Unexplained things caught on camera

Tonight we’re inviting you to call in if anything unusual has happened to you that you want explaining.

Paranormal investigator Jonathan Fost is here to help you get to the bottom of the mystery. Email with the details and we’ll help you solve it.

From lauren and carla:

when we walked through the door to go upstairs there was nothing on the floor, once we got upstairs we looked back down to where we walked took a picture and the white thing showed up on the camera????????? from Lauren and Carla

Hello Guys,

I went on a paranormal investigation at Bodmin Gaol in October of last year with my partner and took this picture, We tried to recreate the picture (pic 13) but there was nothing there when we took the second one.

We were told that Bodmin used to hang people and what we saw in the window looks like a man in a hanging mask. There was nothing behind me while I took the picture but a stairwell, so keeping in mind the distance of how far something would have had to have been to be that size in the window doesn't make sense. The photo was taken in an area within the air flow tower on level three where we were told that an 'entity' had been felt! I did some crystal scrying there and was able to communicate with a guard that used to work there which was really interesting.

Have a look at the picture and let me know what you think. Thanks and regards.